At the begin of 2019 we started the cooperation with Bohuslav Gaš on Charles University in Prague. At first it was an ordinary C++ and Qt course but the long lasting cooperation begun instead.
Professor Gaš works on electrimigration analytics methods. The Simul6 application mathematically simulates the movement of ionts in a thin capillary in electric field. Every substance in the capillary has different speed of movement. Some substance migrates faster, some substances migrates slower, some moves here and other there. In the reality, the capillary is filled with a basic solution — the environment in which the substances move. Then on the one end of capillary small amount of chemical mix is loaded and an electric voltage is applied to both ends of capillary. The mix starts to move through the capillary to the other end. Because every substance has different speed, every substance arrived to the other end at different time one by one — the mix was separated. Detektor is located at the end of the capillary, which record the order, time and the magnitude of every component.
I do not understand the chemistry so I do not see most of practical use. From the information that I caught while working on the project, however, I did understood that this analytical method is used, for example, in pharmaceuticals industry, where the quality of production can be controlled in this way, undesirable pollution can be detected etc.
Simulation is very demanding on computing power. A lot of CPU power is available at these days but it is distributed among the number of CPU cores. Professor Gaš devoted a great deal of work to the parallelization. Pablo A. Kler and Gabriel Gerlero helped with optimisation. Today, the Simul6 is the fastest electromigration simulation application in the world.